
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Major Pile Up in San Diego

That title ought to get us some Google action, eh? Actually, I did have a very nice drive down and back. Spring was evident the whole length of the state; orchards beginning to bloom, vineyards, orange groves, that very lovely green of alfalfa, and yes, rolling green hills.

There has been weaving:

SD Anna

I like this photo a lot, because it shows the looms in action, both upright and as a lap loom. It also shows Anna, truffle maker extraordinaire, Deanna, erstwhile hostess and program chair, and Judy is hidden! Judy? She who blogs last, laughs best :-).

We set up the looms:

SD Kristine

Then started tying knots:

SD Nancy

Which needed to be trimmed:

SD Nancy2

We worked (and ate) our way through two days. And the winner is?

SD Phil's loom

Phil. We really did not have a contest on who could weave the most. But Phil wins. His partner Kristine?

SD Kristine's loom

Not so much. Can this marriage be saved?


  1. Remember. "Horrible Example", K?

  2. That looks like it was fun! And so good to see those looms in action. Almost makes me wonder why I buy Mirrix looms. Hmm. I could actually use a very small sample loom. Again: Hmm.

