
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Penultimate Wedding Post

Yes, Claudia, there will be photos, no begging required! But I am still on the road, home soon, honest, and the camera will be downloaded. Today? Fallon, Nevada. Yesterday, Beaver, Utah (hush!).

The wedding: the weather was fabulous, perfect, and cooperated for the entire ceremony, reverting to fog, then rain once we were all inside, at the reception. Even the fog was mystical, magical, as the photos were taken and the mountains disappeared.

But first? The rehearsal dinner: it was held at the Mountain Room at the Sky Hotel, Aspen, as Judy so accurately guessed by the description of the room: rustic contemporary. I made the cotton/rayon cloth from this post, into napkins:

sky napkins

which were used as the centerpiece for each table. There was a charger on each, then stones, votives and a vase of flowers: pictures to follow once I am home to crop and download. The theme was elemental; earth, air, fire and water. It was subtle, enough to create an ambiance, and give me a focus for the planning. Pictures to follow, honest!

The fabric was easy to sew, even for me. I made mitered corners (ok, not so easy, some were better than others), but each square was perfectly true:

sky fabric pulled thread

It is easy to pull a thread, then make each cut along the grain. Handwoven fabric lends itself to this better than any commercial fabric: it's all in the scale of the threads.

So I pulled a thread, cut and sewed the four sides, making 20" squares. We used eight for the rehearsal dinner (of which now several are splotched with candle wax, so I am taking them back home, to wash). I will give all twelve of them to the new couple, perfect for casual patio dining. They have a fabulous stone patio, where I hope they will barbecue and entertain lots, having met (and danced with!) their wonderful friends.

Me? I've been to Ouray, Mesa Verde, Natural Bridges, Capitol Reef, Escalante, Bryce, Great Basin, and more, traveling home. Much fun at thrift shops, quasi-antique stores, and small town America, Western-style. But I'll be home soon. Mojo calls, poor cat: he has been sparring with a raccoon and I am anxious to ride into town and save him.


  1. Well, if you didn't want Beaver comments, you shouldn't have said anything.


    How fabulous that everything fell so completely into place. Yeah!

  2. i can't wait to see what your search hits are for beaver, lol.

    sounds like a beautiful wedding. can't wait to see the pics.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful trip for you! :)

    Aren't Mesa Verde and Bryce incredible? Did you get to see Zion too?

  4. Sounds like a great time. Looking forward to the picts

  5. Okay, so throwing us a crumb IS still better than nothing. It sounds wonderful and magical and I can't wait for the pictures. Four Corners and Ouray are right up there on mysical places, good for you! Rescue Mojo, poor guy, he must miss his early morings with Mom.

  6. Wow, you have had a terrific road trip. I'm glad to hear the wedding went so well, too.
