Two Turns Into Three
Lots of grey days here:

The hot tub and picnic table, under the weight of snows this week. Also:

While this is a shot of the bird feeder, the real news is the heavy tree branches in the background. These (and many others like them) are the branches that break, drop phone lines and power lines, and leave us in the dark, often this winter, and sometimes for days on end.
Luckily, spinning is people powered, and can be done in dim light, as in the light of oil I've been spinning:

Blue Faced Leicester wool blended with tussah silk. It was donated by Ashland Bay Fibers, and sold at SOAR in Bend (2009) to raise funds for the SOAR scholarship program, and for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund.
I managed to buy three packets, two of which I've spun up during recent power outages/days on end of rain and snow, onto these three bobbins. I have one packet left, or another bobbin and a half (approximately), all of which is spinning up to a weaving yarn of 56 WPI in the singles. I will ply this and I will also dye it. I've been dreaming of colors as I spin: I'm sick of grey at this point, in the weather and the fiber. So next up:

A little more color! This is Alpaca Silk that I bought at The Spinning Loft in January (Michigan in January? I was going for More Color then too). I'll start this on spindles, because I'll be traveling next week. A little of this should brighten any day.
Speaking of brighten any day:

This is who I will be traveling to visit :).

The hot tub and picnic table, under the weight of snows this week. Also:

While this is a shot of the bird feeder, the real news is the heavy tree branches in the background. These (and many others like them) are the branches that break, drop phone lines and power lines, and leave us in the dark, often this winter, and sometimes for days on end.
Luckily, spinning is people powered, and can be done in dim light, as in the light of oil I've been spinning:

Blue Faced Leicester wool blended with tussah silk. It was donated by Ashland Bay Fibers, and sold at SOAR in Bend (2009) to raise funds for the SOAR scholarship program, and for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund.
I managed to buy three packets, two of which I've spun up during recent power outages/days on end of rain and snow, onto these three bobbins. I have one packet left, or another bobbin and a half (approximately), all of which is spinning up to a weaving yarn of 56 WPI in the singles. I will ply this and I will also dye it. I've been dreaming of colors as I spin: I'm sick of grey at this point, in the weather and the fiber. So next up:

A little more color! This is Alpaca Silk that I bought at The Spinning Loft in January (Michigan in January? I was going for More Color then too). I'll start this on spindles, because I'll be traveling next week. A little of this should brighten any day.
Speaking of brighten any day:

This is who I will be traveling to visit :).