
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

And So It Begins

I dyed some wool samples yesterday, for Book 2 of the Dye Sample Books that Deb and I are doing. These are more complex colors than Book 1, and are fun to dye and see what comes out of the pot:


I was hoping to dye under blue skies and warm weather, but alas, that is not to be. Rainy weather is expected for at least the next two weeks, so I donned the rubber boots and fired up the steamer. By the end of the afternoon, I was toasty (or rather steamy) warm, so I guess there are compensations (other than all the glorious color!).


  1. Blues? Greens? Did I make a wrong turn in blogland?

    I love these complex colors. I was just reading Lisa's explanation about optical blending.

  2. Are you dyeing in the yurt or on the porch?

    Our warm weather left too. We are actually having snow flurries right now!

  3. Thanks for the cold, driving rain. I know you've got something to do with this.

