
Friday, June 30, 2006

Quick Fix

Oddly enough, given recent warm temperatures around here, it is cool in the studio of a morning. Yesterday, I tossed on the new shawl and tried to get down to work, and found it falling off, falling into things and generally being annoying.

So I made a shawl pin to hold it all together:

shawl pin

Construction notes: copper wire, probably 14 ga., annealed, and bent into S-shape (also useful as a jewelry clasp), then a spiral-twisted stickpin to hold it. All hammered, to work harden the wire, then the ends filed and sanded, so they won't catch on the yarn.

Then, I got right back to work. We're closing in, seeing the finish line.


  1. That's just too cool! Here I've been wanting to make a shawl pin but it never occurred to me to use copper wire. I even have some copper wire around here somewhere.

  2. Very clever! Thanks for sharing.

  3. great minds must thing alike - I've made a few of those myself and have a few in my Etsy shop - great pin!

  4. Well, aren't you just the clever one?! Next trick will be adding beads to the wire before bending and shaping... way cool. Happy 4th weekend to you.

  5. I see you were inspired by my wife!

    She inspires me, as well.

  6. That is one beautiful shawl pin!!!
