
Saturday, July 23, 2016


Botanical print tote

A new tote bag! No, I am not that fast. Yet. This was in progress, along with a few others, for a while. I am just in a finishing jag :).

This tote has a pocket-panel of a botanical print done by a local friend. I have a stack of fabrics from her, and will be using more of them as pockets like this. They are so beautiful!

I totally love this bag. It has the requisite open pocket in front, zippered pocket on the back, the handles are "just the right length for me"(tm), the leather feels good, is a good weight, even with the lining, and the stitching is good! Not perfect mind you, but "man on a running horse" good enough.

Leather takes time outs, for glue to dry, for hardware to arrive, for lining to set, whatever. So I have several projects going at a time. Which is annoying because as I learn things, I may have already passed that part of another bag, and yet? I still need to finish it. Move on. I am going back to repair, replace do-over on some of the earlier bags, but some are just...learning experiences.

But this one? Totally fine :).

1 comment:

  1. That one might turn me into a bag person after all. (Not that I'm asking for it, you understand.)
