
Monday, June 12, 2017


Having a stash, having supplies, having the tools and materials needed can be a curse and a blessing. Yes, the tools and materials are there when you need them. But they need to be stored until. I have lots and lots of cotton yarns, patterns and plans for garments and textiles, and tools that I am comfortable using, and that work well for me. Sometimes, I just pull out the stuff, turn on the lights and put it all to use.

Throwing the shuttle on miles of fabric is second nature to me: after 40 years of it, it feels like coming home. So, when I have no particular deadlines, I make fabric. Usually with a plan in mind of some kind, this time? I've been weaving to make the Folkwear Turkish Coat. I've had the pattern for a hundred years (OK well, since the last century), and it's make-it-up-or-get-rid-of-it-time.

Cotton fabrics+></a><br />
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I measured pattern pieces, and wove widths of cotton yardage that make sense in this garment's construction: I like to use selvedges if I can, so most of the very long pieces of this coat will have at least one selvedge edge, sturdy, no finishing required.  This is one length 10
The lining? Hand dyed indigo fabric from
Gasali Adeyemo:

Indigo fabric

The next step is to cut out all the sections, match them up with lining, and stitch the lining/outer layers together, before sewing the pieces together into the coat. Danger! Many! opportunities! to mess up! I hope I have enough fabric (that my calculations are correct) and that I have enough should some part need to be re-made... If not? I have more yarn.

This is a "muslin" of sorts: if it all works well, I may make another. and another? we shall see. I generally make at least 5 or 6 versions of any garment I work on: the first to see how it all goes, and the rest build on the that information. The subsequent garments become more individualized, more personal, and more deliberate.

Spinning is also joy for me, and yes, something for which I have stockpiled supplies and tools. My default, the spinning I go to when I have no specific project in mind, and just want to spin, is silk. Most projects require many, many yards, so I stockpile the yarn too, thinking, dreaming and planning while I spin.

I use a fine single with plenty of twist for everything: weaving (default) or knitting. The end use for the yarn is somewhat determined by the number of plies...but not always! So 2 ply or 3, I can knit or weave with the yarns I produce. The only thing I try to keep track of is the fiber type: Bombyx or tussah, Eri or Muga. These are alll skeins and warp chains of the tussah I am working on now:

Silk handspun

I see a kimono in there. I have no need for one, so I am spinning away in a leisurely manner. Stockpiling.


  1. I just hope I live long enough to use up all (some) (OK, any) of my stockpiles. (I'm thinking of you, quilt-fabric-bins-under-the-bed).

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  3. Dayamitra11:07 AM

    Glad I'm not the only one who stockpiles! Some people have a fit when they see my stockpile. I assure them it will all get used.

  4. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Did you use the same look for each of cotton fabric of different widths?
