Friday, May 10, 2013


layers of silk

Busy-ness comes in spurts, of course: when we are not busy we sign up for lots of things to do. Then it all piles up and we are Very Busy Indeed!

I just sent off a new manuscript that has been my busy-ness these last few months. Phew! I will be able to feel the relief, maybe, next week or the week after or sometime soon...but right now, I am in the worry: what did I forget? How could it be better? Is it enough?

I am often plagued by this, in fact almost every time. Every time I spin or knit or dye or weave something, every creative endeavor, every...thing. I suspect I am not alone in this, and there is rarely "Done!", that feeling that everything fell into place perfectly and all is well.

But Perfect is the Enemy of Good Enough, and there is a great benefit to putting it out there anyway, getting the feedback, starting the conversation, working together to make it the best we can. At the time (see? Qualifiers!).

We'll know in a year, when the book is finally in print. Until then, there is much to do yet: samples to organize, yarn to spin and fiber to pack up and label. Not only for this project, but for the others I so eagerly agreed to months, even years ago.

I just spent a very nice few days in Santa Rosa with weavers, knitters, and spinners there. A lively guild, cheerful and welcoming, how nice they are! I was treated like a visiting dignitary, even morning tea in bed, the ultimate treat :). They are the organizers of CNCH 2014, to be held next year and they are still cheerful and happy about that too: miracles do happen!

I am packing and getting things ready to head up to Canada again, to Olds Fibre Conference, where I have a class teaching Spin To Weave, the book from my last year, and the year before that... It is an odd sort of juxtaposition, having a new one just go out into the world, and yet, this older one is not properly launched yet.

I have placed my order for all of you who have ordered a signed copy. I will have a few extras, there is still time. Thank you every one: your encouragement and support have made this whole thing possible.

Soon...and again! Layers: working on one while awaiting the birth of another, working with a group, of mostly the same women, on the new and the old at the same time, a lot like life an other ways, really, nothing is ever done in a vacuum.

Spin to Weave Cover

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Anonymous rene said...

Will you be selling these at Olds? I am registered for your spin to weave class.

7:45 PM  

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