Two Steps Backwards
Sometimes, ripping back is the better part of valor:

This is about 2" woven. I originally planned to do a 5" border of plain color around a central field.
Within an inch, I knew I could not weave so much plain color, unrelieved of pattern. Too *quiet* for me (there were several other word choices I could have used in place of quiet, suffice it to say, quiet is the least likely to offend). Too *zen* would be another way to put it, and me? not a zen person. I'm more the horror vacuui type. I plotted.
I like this silk bag:

So I did a quick sketch, approximating the colors of the rug:

It looked OK, so I forged on. Beware of forging. Sometimes *sleeping on it* is a better choice.
Bleah. I did not like it. I added some red (better) but still, not what I wanted in this rug. I slept on it (so to speak).
Today I took out 4 rows. That is 4 times 223 knots. I do not want to do the math. I am sure this is all worth it, and that I will like the finished rug better, and that the pain of ripping will subside:

Now we will move forward, this time with a series of borders. I spent some of my supposed sleeping time last night calculating, thinking numbers, fitting designs into the space allotted. I'm sure many of you do the same: counting picks, or warp ends, or stitches, instead of sheep.
On a much brighter note, I received these beads from Gayle:

She made them for me, thinking these were just my colors. And they are! Do they match this rug, or what??

Thanks Gayle!
Now, me? Back to work:

This is about 2" woven. I originally planned to do a 5" border of plain color around a central field.
Within an inch, I knew I could not weave so much plain color, unrelieved of pattern. Too *quiet* for me (there were several other word choices I could have used in place of quiet, suffice it to say, quiet is the least likely to offend). Too *zen* would be another way to put it, and me? not a zen person. I'm more the horror vacuui type. I plotted.
I like this silk bag:

So I did a quick sketch, approximating the colors of the rug:

It looked OK, so I forged on. Beware of forging. Sometimes *sleeping on it* is a better choice.
Bleah. I did not like it. I added some red (better) but still, not what I wanted in this rug. I slept on it (so to speak).
Today I took out 4 rows. That is 4 times 223 knots. I do not want to do the math. I am sure this is all worth it, and that I will like the finished rug better, and that the pain of ripping will subside:

Now we will move forward, this time with a series of borders. I spent some of my supposed sleeping time last night calculating, thinking numbers, fitting designs into the space allotted. I'm sure many of you do the same: counting picks, or warp ends, or stitches, instead of sheep.
On a much brighter note, I received these beads from Gayle:

She made them for me, thinking these were just my colors. And they are! Do they match this rug, or what??

Thanks Gayle!
Now, me? Back to work:

Those (un)knots look so pretty piled up. Good thing you didn't do the math though.
The beads really are you, aren't they?
so, can you use the (un)knots over again?
I like the boxes pattern....reminiscent of a fat quarter of quilt fabric that I have, just because I like it.
The bead match is amazing.
Good for you for not whining, even a little.
Whew! I'm glad you've been knotting--even if you're doing some tonking, too. I was getting kinda worried about all that knitting you've been doing. Too odd.
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