Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brief, Pithy, to the Point

I'm dyeing green:
green yarn
by choice! I know!

Another anomaly:
I feel like a pod-person, who is this??

Also, whoops:
color and bear 001
a bear thought the bird feeder might have food. Must've been a really hungry bear. Now we need new bird feeder parts. Harumph.

Baby-daddy has not down-loaded new baby pics for me. The pressure is on now :).

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Cat Must Be Away

Because the mice are playing:
silk scarf

Sometimes, a project just takes hold. It consumes. This is the start of a handspun silk shawl (or scarf: we'll see just how far we get with the yarn already spun, and the yarn I am able to spin plus the knitting in the time frame allotted).

I made up the pattern, did a swatch (worked fine) then tried to figure out how much yarn would be needed. I know how much I have, and we'll see at the end how close the two calculations are.

I can keep spinning as I travel this summer:
spinning silk

and plying:
plying silk

Both spinning and plying will continue as the scarf grows into a shawl. This must be done by late August, so the time frame is set. I'll be on the road for at least 6 weeks in that time frame, here and back, here and back again. This project all fits neatly into a very small package, perfect for carry on, and for carrying-on once I get to my destinations.

Speaking of carrying on:
No! #2

Someone was just told "NO!" when she put her hand up to the electrical socket. I love the look of disbelief on her face! For the record, she tried again....and then was summarily removed. Sockets are all blocked now.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Hitting the Bricks

Silk bricks, that is:
silk bobbin and brick

One brick to one bobbin: three more to go. These bobbins are big enough to hold the whole brick (usually about 4 to 5 ounces). Nice!

I have been cross-training with some spindle spinning:
wensleydale yarns
This is some Wensleydale for knotted pile, and this:
wool on spindles
is some generic wool, for knitting.

Meanwhile, Alfalfa rides again:
Marin (1)
Thanks to Marcy for the Alfalfa reference, and if you get it, it's a sure indicator of your age.....:)!