
Friday, June 16, 2006

All Color, All the Time (Or Not)

Things can get a little peripatetic around here, when there is much to do. I'm still dyeing samples:


And more samples:


All this dyeing means watching pots, so in the interim, I painted a warp:

copper warps2

This is one of my favorite colors (90 gold, 10 violet for those of you who might want a strong copper). I'm leaving some blank white spaces:

copper warps3

This is Cibacron F dye, which does not wick nearly as much as MX. It may wick some as it dries, and you'll notice I was too lazy to tie off and resist those areas. We'll see.

Also while watching pots, I can spin a bit:

grafton fibers yarn

Sorry, no dime shot. These are fingering wieght, 3 ply. The skeins are from Grafton Fibers wool (see this post). You might notice the purple skein is bigger. That was the first batt I spun, and I divided it to spin a two ply. I decided mid-spin that I wanted a three ply, for knitting, so I needed to come up with something for the third element. I used some blue from the Morro Bay roving, from this post. The other two GF batts were divided into three sections, thus the smaller skeins.

I decided this wool would be very nice for mittens, gloves, or fingerless gloves, and once I lined the skeins all up, of course, I needed more colors(!), so I have placed an order. I'll have enough yarns for several gloves, mittens, whatever, but hey, who has enough yarn? I'm quite sure I can think of something to do with it.

After the dyeing, I can focus on the not-so-colorful:


The silk shawl, hemstitched. And:

hemstitching with beads

The silk shawl hemstitched and now in the process being beaded. You'll notice the white cloth under the shawl? Trying to keep this white fabric white is a challenge, in my *looks like a tornado came through* studio.

Housecleaning, and responses: the group KIP Day photos from the last post were taken by Ginger, not me. I neglected to give her credit. And Marie? no snap yet, I'm using the other bag for a while. Birdsong? I'm still winding around the shawl on the edging: not finished yet! And Charleen? No, I can't talk, drink and knit at the same time! and Kim? You're right. The interlude was intentional! That's it, intentional.


  1. The shawl is stunning! I was going to be funny and tell you to "snap to it", but decided it wasn't so funny so I won't say it.

  2. Good one, Marie! Like when I tell the OM it's not worth mentioning - then I do :-)

    Sara, the shawl is gorgeous. Did you pull threads or put filler in to skip over the spaces? Or was it done on the loom? Whatever the technique I love embellishment.

  3. What yummy colors. And the beading on the shawl's hemstitching is the perfect touch.

  4. Ooooo....90 G, 10 V! I'm keeping that in mind.

  5. Lovely shawl! Gorgeous skeins! And thanks for the copper recipe.

  6. The beads really add a lot to that edging; I can empathize with keeping white clean, especially in our red clay belt of the foothills.
