Monday, February 21, 2005

Front Flap Flops

In a nice way:

felted bag

Finished. The handle was cardwoven, sewn on, the bag lined and given a few embellishments. The coins were part of my Christmas gift of beads from my younger son, and they add a little weight to the front flap, making it flop closed nicely.

It was a neat quick project. I am more accustomed to working with silk, or a cotton foundation warp with wool pickup warps. This was more challenging: the warp was a bit sticky, the sheds were a *pull* to clear, and beating on a closed shed was, um, tight. The selvedges were not as neat as I would like, but the bag construction and felting hide that detail. I felted it twice (through a machine cycle and the dryer) to get the firmness I wanted. I like the finished felted bagginess of it all.

I think for future projects, a little more twist to the yarns, Peruvian style, would solve some of those difficulties.

And what's in the bag (goose)?


Tools. From the top: small magnifying glasses (an essential item for me) in their case, a case of tapestry needles, Altoids (*suckies*, in the vernacular), a shed stick (made by Woody of Woodchuck Wood Products), band shuttle, tape measure, scissors, hand repair balm, and small pliers (for pulling those tapestry needles through thick cloth or pesky tight sheds).


Blogger claudia said...

Very baggy. The fishies appreciate you advocating for them.

9:48 AM  
Blogger Sue said...

Very nice! I love the idea of making bags from bands.

1:47 PM  
Blogger Charleen said...

The bag is just beautiful. I love working with wool - watching it full and take on new properties.

2:46 PM  

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