Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Joyful Noise

I've been weaving. Presents. I make a lot of noise weaving: not only is the loom a noisy one, but I turn up the volume on the radio so I can hear above my banging away. Add to this the fact that my studio is a glorified tent:

Feb 14 2005 yurt

With this last week's torrential rains, hail, thunder and lightning pounding loudly on the roof of said tent, and you could say that it's been a bit noisy lately here at Casa Lambster.

But it's a cheerful noise, musical and creative, and there are no neighbors within shouting distance, so I'm (at least) not inflicting this noise on anyone but myself (and the cat).

Here are this week's projects:

cotton warps

First the annual dishtowel/napkin warp. Details: cottons and rayons, a variety of yarns, all within the 2000 to 3000 ypp range. Two painted warps, and some solids to go with them. Sett at 20 epi, woven with one of the cotton flakes from the warp.

On the loom:

fabric detail

I am liking the yellow. I might do a variation of this fabric for kitchen curtains. Cheerful colors, eh?

Gayle's beads2

The colors? So like Gayle's beads! I'm nothing if not predictable. Yeah, consistent; that's the word most likely to spring unbidden to mind when my name comes up.

Here's a final shot of the finished fabric, after a wash and pressing:

fabric close up

Other knitting has been occurring too (I know, don't all fall over at once). These are wrist warmers, for a friend who is perpetually cold:

wrist warmers

I used a three ply merino, but had to double it, and use size 8 needles, to get a quick knit, yet a warm scrunchy fabric (note to self: when you make lists of gifts to be made, CHECK THE LIST, sooner than a week before Christmas).

There has also been some metal clay action:

spiral necklace

celtic knot necklace

Two necklaces, with little metal clay pendants. I'm so liking this metal clay play, and it is making some sense out of the gynormous amount of beads I have on hand.

And my Constant Companion?


For Cathy, yep, she's still around. She follows me back and forth from the house to the studio. When I'm in the yurt, she's underneath, when I'm in the house, she's waiting on the porch. She insists on head scratches, but resists coming inside of any building, and doesn't like being picked up. She has not learned to purr, either, but she does vocalize while being scratched. She is noisy, too, I've never had a cat that talks so much. Perhaps we were meant for each other!


Blogger beadlizard said...

Seriously lusting after that fabric. What you *do* with yellow! Oh my...

11:38 AM  
Blogger claudia said...

Lovely colors. Beautifully and loudly predictable.

11:42 AM  
Blogger Charleen said...

Beautiful fabric - it just glows. Looks good with the beads too.

I love seeing pictures of your yurt. It looks like such a peaceful place to work.

7:40 PM  

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