Rather odd photos of the Silk and Ivory Leaf Lace Shawl blocking on the bed:

I could not get a full shot, so the angle is odd. Perhaps when it is dry, a young beautiful model will wander by and I can get a *people* shot.
You can see the color progression:

To recap: this is one skein of Henry's Attic Silk and Ivory, dyed as fabric in Nancy's technique of knit-dye-reknit on size 6 (US) needles. The scarf/shawl measures 39" from neckline to tip, and has a 69" wingspan.
What's next in the queue? Why another Leaf Lace scarf! Here's the yarn:

before turning it into a ball, and here it is ready to go:

Henry's Attic Monty's 3/9, enough, I think, for a scarf, using size 5 (US) needles.
I just like doing this pattern, and I'm giving the scarves/shawls all away. Also, in my defense, several other guild members are doing it now too. Interesting things have come up, and some nice alterations to the pattern, which will be reported later, watch this space. So am I boringly single minded or fiercely loyal? You decide.

I could not get a full shot, so the angle is odd. Perhaps when it is dry, a young beautiful model will wander by and I can get a *people* shot.
You can see the color progression:

To recap: this is one skein of Henry's Attic Silk and Ivory, dyed as fabric in Nancy's technique of knit-dye-reknit on size 6 (US) needles. The scarf/shawl measures 39" from neckline to tip, and has a 69" wingspan.
What's next in the queue? Why another Leaf Lace scarf! Here's the yarn:

before turning it into a ball, and here it is ready to go:

Henry's Attic Monty's 3/9, enough, I think, for a scarf, using size 5 (US) needles.
I just like doing this pattern, and I'm giving the scarves/shawls all away. Also, in my defense, several other guild members are doing it now too. Interesting things have come up, and some nice alterations to the pattern, which will be reported later, watch this space. So am I boringly single minded or fiercely loyal? You decide.
Sure works well. I too, really like the Leaf Lace pattern and have dyed the yarn for another. What's the composion of Monty?
Oh, MY. How very lovely. I may have to get some of the knitted blanks sooner than I expected....Yum.
Those are very hless colors. Lovely.
Wow! It is stunning! :)
loyalty is an excellent thing.
This turned out smashing! Loyalty is to be commended, and doing a familiar repeat lets you benefit from that meditative state - all good! We are going to try to go to Harvey Farm's sheep shearing tomorrow, if the blizzarding stops, and I plan to make it to Spinning Sat. next weekend, so see you soon.
Your shawl came out very beautiful! It's so cool to see the progression from dyed fabric to knitted shawl.
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